HISTORY OF GREATER SAINT JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH – On a little red knoll in the Southeast corner of Powderly, in a section of the community known as Park Lawn, the Saint John Baptist Church was born in the year 1910. Rev. C. H. Hawkins was pastor and the church was known as Second Baptist Church.  Between the years of 1910 and 921, six Pastors served, Rev. C H. Hawkins, Rev. Broadnax, Rev. Springfield, Rev. W. A. Rogers, Rev. C. J. Brown and Rev. Rev. Brookins.

1921 –  Rev. J. C. Crosby was called to the pastorate of the church, with a membership of approximately 20 members and an assembly house no larger than an ordinary room. In 1926 the deacons and Rev. Crosby bargained to buy the plot of land upon which the present church is standing. The name of the church was officially changed to Saint John Baptist Church in 1931.

1931 – Because of the depression, many families were unable to bury their dead. This situation inspired Rev. Crosby to organize the Annual Members Society din 1938, to help families to bury their loved ones. The first building on this plot of land was begun in the spring of 1937 and completed in November of the same year, with all expenses paid. Dedication Services began November 8th and continued through November 21st. The members were pleased, for their dream had been materialized. During the late forties and early fifties many improvements were made.

1958 – Rev. Crosby, having served faithfully for 37 years offered his resignation in September, 1958, because of failing health. Rev. W. G. Jordan served as interim pastor until a permanent one was called. Rev. W. G. Jordan served the church as assistant pastor for 25 years.  In April, 1959, Rev. J. S. Murray was called to the pastorate. During his four years as minister the church made astounding progress.  Mrs. Mamie L. Murray, wife of the minister organized the Missionary Society into 10 Circles instead of one small group.

1963 – The church was incorporated under the leadership of Rev. Murray, who resigned in December 1963. During this vacancy, Rev. J. M. Billups served as acting pastor. The church continued to progress.  In March, 1964, Rev. Morris Perry was selected by the membership as its pastor. The members again took new courage and sought to do even greater work for the Lord. Rev. Perry preached his first sermon on April 5, 1964. By October, 1966 200 members had been added to the church.  

1966 – The church building was bricked and a corner stone was laid on Sunday, October 16, 1966. God continued to bless the church, two buses were purchased. Seeing a need for more space and more parking spaces four lots were purchased. On one of the newly purchased lots a new Educational building was erected. The choir loft in the existing building was renovated. The first kindergarten was opened on September 5, 1967 and a Greyhound bus was purchased. In 1969, the property across the street was purchased for parking.

1973 – On Sunday, August 5, 1973, dedication services were held to celebrate the addition of a completed Educational Building. On October 19, 1973, a “Victory Banquet” was held in the new Fellowship Hall. The theme for this banquet was “Christ Gives Victory.” December 1999, Rev. Morris Perry resigned. A retirement reception was held in his honor on January 30, 2000. The firs Sunday in May has been set aside as Morris Perry Day, on which Rev. Perry preaches and a Fellowship Celebration follows.

2000 – Rev. John Henry Williams, Jr. was elected as new Pastor. An installation Celebration was held on Sunday, October 8, 2000. The late Pastor John Henry Williams, Sr. was guest speaker. The church has experienced new levels of growth under Pastor Williams. From July 2000 to March 2003, the church saw an increase in membership of 225 members added, over $40,000 in physical improvements, and an average attendance of approximately 600 each week.

2002 – Wonderful Wednesday, which consist of dinner and Bible Study Began September 27, 2000, an 8:00am Service (Son Rise Son Day) began April, 2002. Also in April 2002, “Learning of Him” hour replaced Sunday School at 9:15am. Sheepfolds (prayer and support groups for each month, a member’s birth month determines the Sheepfold in which they belong) were introduced in September 2001. Pastor Williams has presented Saint John with a Mission Statement that is Biblically Based, Theologically Sound, Historically Significant, Ecclesiologically Faithful, Exegetically Accurate, Culturally Relevant, and Eschatologically Expectant.

We Are:

“Continuing the things Jesus began, both to do and teach by the power of the Holy Spirit in the World until He comes again.”

 (Luke 1/Acts 1)

Rev. John Henry Williams called a meeting during Bible Study and resigned, he preached his last sermon February 12, 2017.

We are thankful to God for His wonderful blessings. With God as our Father and Leader, we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.